Puentes dentales

Dental Bridges Specialist in Los Gatos, CA

Dental bridges are custom-made replacements for teeth, designed to bridge gaps and restore your smile's function and appearance. If you are looking for dental bridges near me, our Los Gatos dental clinic provides reliable and natural-looking solutions for missing teeth.

What is a dental bridge?

Dental bridges are prosthetic solutions for replacing missing teeth, restoring oral functionality, and enhancing oral aesthetics. Custom-crafted to match a patient’s natural teeth, these custom-made dental appliances bridge gaps in the smile. Here's an in-depth look at dental bridges near.

What are bridges for teeth, and how do they work?

Bridges for teeth are fixed prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth (pontics) between adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. The process involves creating a custom-crafted bridge tailored to the patient's specific needs, considering factors like tooth color, shape, and alignment.

The main types of dental bridges are:

Traditional Bridges: Pontics are anchored by dental crowns on adjacent natural teeth.

Cantilever Bridges: Suitable when only one adjacent tooth supports the bridge.

Maryland Bridges: Bonded with metal or porcelain framework onto adjacent teeth without crowns.

Implant Supported Bridges: Learn more here.

Here is what to expect when it comes to the dental bridge near me procedure:

  1. Consultation: Assessment of oral health and discussion of bridge options with your dentist in Los Gatos.
  2. Preparation: Reshaping of adjacent teeth for crown placement (if needed) at our Los Gatos dental clinic.
  3. Impressions: Precise molds taken for custom bridge fabrication.
  4. Temporary Bridge: Placement to protect exposed teeth during bridge creation at our Los Gatos family dental clinic.
  5. Final Fitting: Custom bridge securely placed, ensuring comfort and functionality.

After the dental bridge procedure at our Los Gatos dental clinic, it is important to avoid hard or sticky foods. Maintaining regular oral hygiene and attending follow-up appointments with your dentist in Los Gatos for adjustments is also crucial.

Benefits of dental bridges:

  1. Estética mejorada: Los puentes dentales restauran el aspecto de su sonrisa rellenando los huecos dejados por los dientes perdidos, lo que da como resultado un aspecto natural y atractivo.
  2. Mejora de la masticación y el habla: Los puentes le permiten masticar correctamente los alimentos y hablar con claridad, mejorando su calidad de vida en general.
  3. Prevent Tooth Shifting: By replacing missing teeth, bridges prevent adjacent natural teeth from shifting, which can lead to bite problems and misalignment.
  4. Ajuste personalizado: Cada puente dental está hecho a medida para adaptarse a sus rasgos faciales únicos, garantizando un ajuste cómodo y seguro.
  5. Rápido y no invasivo: La colocación de puentes dentales suele ser un procedimiento no quirúrgico y sencillo que puede completarse en unas pocas visitas.
  6. Durabilidad: Los puentes dentales bien mantenidos pueden durar muchos años, proporcionándole beneficios a largo plazo.
  7. Aumento de la confianza: Los puentes dentales pueden aumentar su autoestima y ayudarle a recuperar la confianza en su aspecto y en su capacidad para comer y hablar.
  8. Rentables: En comparación con algunos tratamientos alternativos, los puentes dentales ofrecen una forma rentable de sustituir los dientes perdidos.

What is the difference between a dental bridge near me and a dental crown?

Dental bridges replace missing teeth, while dental crowns enclose and protect individual damaged or weakened teeth.

Dental bridges expert dentist

Why choose our dental bridge service

Looking for a clinic for bridges for teeth near me? Mountain Bay Dental makes the choice easy. Explore the service points that set us apart in cosmetic dentistry in Los Gatos.

More about Mountain Bay Dental

Mountain Bay Dental es una práctica dental familiar integral fundada y dirigida por el Dr. Youseph Anwar. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de cosméticos, ortodoncia, general, y los servicios dentales de emergencia. Por encima de todo, nuestro enfoque se centra en tratar a todos como familia.

Book an appointment with a Dental bridges specialist in Los Gatos, CA

Mountain Bay Dental welcomes patients for dental bridges in Los Gatos daily. Here is how to get the process started at our Los Gatos family dental clinic:

Visite Mountain Bay Dental en Los Gatos, CA

Convenience comes hand in hand with your appointment at Mountain Bay Dental clinic in Los Gatos. We are located in the Rinconada Center on Pollard Rd, giving you plenty of parking spaces and the option to combine your dental appointment with groceries at Safeway and CVS. Moreover, you can treat yourself to Baskin-Robbins or Round Table Pizza post-appointment.

Dental Mountain Bay

Address: 1464 Pollard Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032

Teléfono: (408) 837 - 7700

Email: care@mountainbaydental.com

Online Booking: Book Dental Bridges

What clients say about our tooth bridge service in Los Gatos, CA

When looking for dental bridges near me, Mountain Bay Dental comes at the top of the list. Dr Anwar, our founder, makes sure our patients are treated like family and given gentle, informative, and comfortable care.

Check out what our clients have to say about our Los Gatos family dental clinic!

Our Google Reviews

Puentes dentales

Frequently Asked

Our FAQ section provides answers to common questions for your convenience. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!

How long does a dental bridge last?

Dental bridges typically last 5 to15 years. How long bridges for teeth last will depend on several factors, such as:

  • Oral hygiene
  • Wear
  • Material quality.

It is important to attend regular check-ups at your Los Gatos dental clinic and provide the dental bridges proper care to extend their lifespan.

How much is a bridge for teeth?

In California, the cost of a dental bridge near me ranges from $1,500 to $5,000. Dental bridge cost will depend on the type of bridge you get. A traditional tooth bridge will typically cost between $2,000 and $5,000 for a pontic and a crown for each abutment tooth. Always make sure to factor in additional fees for preparation and crowns. Factors such as materials, location, and dentist expertise will also affect the total dental bridge cost.

What are the disadvantages of dental bridges?

Disadvantages of dental bridge near me include:

  • Potential damage to adjacent teeth during preparation
  • A finite lifespan
  • The risk of decay beneath the bridge.

Maintenance and regular dental check-ups are essential to preserve your dental bridge.

Is dental bridge painful?

The process is usually pain-free, as local anesthesia is provided during preparation to the dental bridge Los Gatos procedure. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity, which subsides after the placement of the tooth bridge.

Can a dental bridge be done in one day?

Yes, offices offer same-day bridge procedures, employing advanced technology like CAD/CAM systems. However, traditional methods may require multiple appointments. Contact our Los Gatos dental office to discuss your specific case for FREE.

How do you clean under a dental bridge?

To clean under a dental bridge, make sure you:

  • Use floss threaders, interdental brushes, or water flosses to clean beneath the bridge.
  • Clean regularly to prevent plaque buildup, decay, and gum issues.

Can a dental bridge be removed and recemented?

Dental bridges are typically fixed and not designed for removal. If issues arise, consult a dentist for proper assessment and necessary adjustments.

Dental bridge vs. Dental crown?

A dental bridge replaces missing teeth, anchoring artificial teeth between adjacent natural teeth. In contrast, a dental crown encases a single damaged or weakened tooth, restoring its strength and shape.

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